Finding a better way
Spinal pain is often treated with expensive, sometimes ineffective, and potentially addictive drugs.
Complementary therapies — such as chiropractic approaches and other force-based manipulations — offer great promise, but how and why they help relieve pain isn’t well understood.
Our SPINEWORK network aims to discover new insights about the potential of force-based manipulations, and advance approaches that help people who suffer from spinal pain.
Integrating insights
Our six working groups bring together practitioners and scientists from around the country to focus on specific areas of spine research.
Research areas of force-based manipulation

Victor Barocas, PhD
Principal investigator and Scientific Review Committee leader, SPINEWORK
Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota

Beth Winkelstein, PhD
Principal investigator, Executive Committee leader, and Terminology Working Group leader, SPINEWORK
Professor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania